In House Windows Project

Meal Planner

Being Resurrected In Another Form!


Jenny’s Meal Planner is a desktop application that allows members to organize and plan out meals. Each meal can be rated, part of a recipe and have a picture associated with it. I used my Calorie Counter food quick search program to search through a user’s meal library. This meal planner also will produce a grocery list based on those meals.

Development Story

This simple side project was built back in 2010 out of a frustration of the lack of good quality meal planner window programs.

Continued development has been put on hold while the project is being rebirthed as an app. The new meal planner will be built for both iOS and Android app platforms, using Google Firebase as its backend.

Technology, Techniques and Software

Visual Basic, MSSQL DB, ORM (NHibernate/ActiveRecord)

Visual Studio, Photoshop, Xara